Matomo vs Plausible: Self-Hosted Analytics Compared

published on 05 May 2024

Matomo and Plausible are two popular self-hosted web analytics tools that give you control over your data. Here's a quick comparison:

Key Similarities:

Key Differences:

Feature Matomo Plausible
Data Collection Comprehensive (page tracking, events, goals, ecommerce) Streamlined (page tracking, events, goals)
Reporting Detailed reports, segmentation, funnel analysis Simple dashboard, basic reports
Customization Highly customizable with plugins and API Limited customization options
User Interface Feature-rich, steeper learning curve Simple and intuitive
Script Size 22.8 KB < 1 KB (lightweight)
Pricing Free open-source version, paid cloud and enterprise plans Free open-source version, paid monthly/yearly plans

Bottom Line:

  • Choose Matomo for advanced analytics, extensive customization, and deeper insights
  • Choose Plausible for simplicity, ease of use, and lightweight performance

Why Self-Hosted Analytics?

Self-hosted analytics has become a popular choice for many website owners and application developers. But what drives this preference? The answer lies in the need for data control, privacy concerns, and the impact of data protection regulations.

Complete Control Over Data

With self-hosted analytics, you have full control over your data. This means you can store, manage, and access your data as you see fit, without relying on third-party services. This level of control is crucial in industries where data is a valuable asset.

Improved Data Security

Self-hosted analytics also offers better data security. By hosting your analytics platform on your own servers, you can ensure that your data is protected from unauthorized access and security threats.

Customization Options

Another significant advantage of self-hosted analytics is customization. With a self-hosted platform, you can tailor your analytics to your specific needs, creating a solution that meets your business goals and objectives.

Compliance with Regulations

Finally, self-hosted analytics can help you comply with regulations such as GDPR, CCPA, and others. By hosting your analytics platform on your own servers, you can ensure that you are meeting the necessary requirements for data privacy and security.

Here's a summary of the benefits of self-hosted analytics:

Benefit Description
Complete Control You have full control over your data
Improved Security Better protection from unauthorized access and security threats
Customization Tailor your analytics to your specific needs
Regulatory Compliance Meet the necessary requirements for data privacy and security

By choosing a self-hosted analytics solution, you can take control of your data, ensure its security, and tailor your analytics to your specific needs.

Matomo vs Plausible: Feature Comparison


Matomo and Plausible are two popular self-hosted analytics solutions that offer a range of features to help you understand your website's performance. In this section, we'll explore the features of both platforms, highlighting their similarities and differences.

Data Collection Methods

Both Matomo and Plausible offer robust data collection methods to help you understand your website's traffic, user behavior, and conversion rates.

Matomo's Data Collection Features:

  • Page tracking: tracks page views, bounce rates, and exit rates
  • Event tracking: tracks user interactions, such as button clicks and form submissions
  • Goal tracking: tracks conversions, such as form submissions and purchases
  • E-commerce tracking: tracks sales, revenue, and product performance

Plausible's Data Collection Features:

  • Page tracking: tracks page views, bounce rates, and exit rates
  • Event tracking: tracks user interactions, such as button clicks and form submissions
  • Goal tracking: tracks conversions, such as form submissions and purchases

Reporting Tools

Both Matomo and Plausible offer a range of reporting tools to help you analyze your website's performance.

Matomo's Reporting Tools:

  • Dashboard: provides a customizable overview of your website's performance
  • Reports: offers detailed reports on page views, bounce rates, exit rates, and more
  • Segmentation: allows you to segment your data by demographics, behavior, and more
  • Funnel analysis: helps you identify drop-off points in your conversion funnel

Plausible's Reporting Tools:

  • Dashboard: provides a simple, customizable overview of your website's performance
  • Reports: offers detailed reports on page views, bounce rates, exit rates, and more
  • Segmentation: allows you to segment your data by demographics and behavior

Customization Opportunities

Both Matomo and Plausible offer customization opportunities to help you tailor your analytics solution to your specific needs.

Matomo's Customization Options:

  • Customizable dashboards: allows you to create custom dashboards with the metrics that matter most to you
  • Customizable reports: allows you to create custom reports with the data that matters most to you
  • API access: allows you to access your data programmatically and integrate it with other tools

Plausible's Customization Options:

  • Customizable dashboards: allows you to create custom dashboards with the metrics that matter most to you
  • Customizable reports: allows you to create custom reports with the data that matters most to you
Feature Matomo Plausible
Data Collection Methods Comprehensive range of data collection features Streamlined data collection process
Reporting Tools Detailed reports, segmentation, and funnel analysis Simple, customizable dashboard and reports
Customization Opportunities Customizable dashboards, reports, and API access Customizable dashboards and reports

In the next section, we'll explore the performance and requirements of both Matomo and Plausible, helping you determine which solution is best for your website.

Performance and Requirements

When choosing a self-hosted analytics solution, it's essential to consider the performance and requirements of the tool. In this section, we'll compare the tracking code's performance impact, self-hosting requirements, and scalability of Matomo and Plausible.

Script Size and Loading Speed

The script size of your analytics tool can affect your website's loading speed and user experience. Here's a comparison of Matomo and Plausible's script sizes:

Tool Script Size
Matomo 22.8 KB
Plausible < 1 KB

As you can see, Plausible's script size is significantly smaller, making it a faster and more lightweight option.

Self-Hosting Requirements

Both Matomo and Plausible can be self-hosted, giving you full control over your data and analytics. Here are the recommended self-hosting requirements for each tool:

Tool Recommended Self-Hosting Requirements
Matomo 2 GB RAM, 10 GB storage
Plausible Smaller server setup, fewer resources

Plausible is more accessible for smaller websites or those with limited resources.


As your website grows, your analytics tool needs to be able to scale with it. Both Matomo and Plausible are designed to handle large amounts of traffic and data, but their scalability differs:

Tool Scalability
Matomo More comprehensive feature set, may require more resources
Plausible Simpler platform, more scalable and lightweight

In the next section, we'll explore the user interface of both Matomo and Plausible, helping you determine which solution is best for your website.

User Interface: Matomo and Plausible

This section compares the user interfaces of Matomo and Plausible, focusing on ease of navigation, data presentation, and overall user experience.

Matomo's interface is feature-rich, but may be overwhelming for beginners. It requires some time to get familiar with its many features and reports. On the other hand, Plausible is designed for simplicity and ease of use, making it easy to navigate, even for those without extensive analytics experience.

Data Presentation

Both tools offer clear and concise reporting. Matomo's reports are highly customizable, allowing users to create tailored dashboards that meet their specific needs. Plausible's reporting system is more straightforward, providing an intuitive and easy-to-understand overview of website performance.

Comparison of User Interfaces

Tool Ease of Use Customization Data Presentation
Matomo Steeper learning curve Highly customizable Comprehensive reports
Plausible Easy to use Limited customization Intuitive reporting

In the next section, we'll explore the pros and cons of each tool, helping you make an informed decision about which analytics solution is right for your website.

Pros and Cons Comparison

When deciding between Matomo and Plausible, it's essential to weigh the advantages and disadvantages of each platform. Here's a side-by-side comparison to help you make an informed decision:

Matomo Advantages and Disadvantages


  • Highly customizable with a wide range of features and reports
  • Supports advanced analytics capabilities
  • Open-source and self-hosted, ensuring complete control over data
  • Large community and extensive documentation
  • Supports multiple sites and useful dashboards


  • Steeper learning curve due to the number of features
  • Can be overwhelming for beginners
  • May require additional setup and configuration for advanced features
  • Some users find the interface cluttered and difficult to navigate

Plausible Advantages and Disadvantages


  • Simple and easy to use, with an intuitive interface
  • Lightweight analytics script optimized for speed
  • Focuses on essential website stats and metrics only
  • Open-source and self-hosted, ensuring complete control over data
  • Easy to set up and integrate with websites


  • Limited customization options compared to Matomo
  • Fewer advanced analytics features
  • Smaller community and less extensive documentation
  • May not be suitable for large or complex websites

Comparison Table

Tool Customization Ease of Use Advanced Features Community Documentation
Matomo Highly customizable Steeper learning curve Advanced analytics Large Extensive
Plausible Limited customization Easy to use Essential metrics only Smaller Limited

By considering the advantages and disadvantages of each platform, you can determine which analytics solution best fits your website's needs and your personal preferences. In the next section, we'll explore the pricing options for Matomo and Plausible.


Pricing: Free vs Paid Plans

When choosing between Matomo and Plausible, understanding their pricing structures is crucial. Both analytics tools offer free and paid plans, each with its own set of features and limitations.

Matomo Pricing

Matomo provides a free, open-source version that can be self-hosted. Additionally, they offer paid support packages and premium features at an extra cost. The paid plans are:

Plan Price Description
Cloud €19/month (billed annually) Increases with monthly traffic
Cloud Enterprise Custom pricing For large enterprises with high traffic volumes

Plausible Pricing

Plausible also offers a free, open-source version that can be self-hosted. The paid plans are:

Plan Price Description
Monthly $9/month (billed annually) Increases with monthly pageviews
Yearly Discounts available For yearly payments

Free vs Paid Plans: What's the Difference?

Both Matomo and Plausible offer free, open-source versions with limited features. The paid plans provide additional features, support, and customization options. When deciding between the free and paid plans, consider the following:

  • Data limits: Free plans usually have data limits, which can be restrictive for large websites or high-traffic businesses.
  • Support: Paid plans often include priority support, which can be essential for businesses that rely heavily on analytics.
  • Customization: Paid plans may offer more customization options, allowing businesses to tailor their analytics to specific needs.

Ultimately, the choice between Matomo and Plausible's pricing plans depends on your business requirements, budget, and analytics needs.

Support and Resources

When it comes to support and resources, both Matomo and Plausible offer extensive help to ensure you get the most out of their analytics tools.


Both Matomo and Plausible provide detailed documentation to help you set up and use their analytics tools. Matomo's documentation is more comprehensive, covering a wide range of topics. Plausible's documentation is more concise, focusing on the essential features and setup process.

Community Support

Both Matomo and Plausible have active community forums where you can ask questions, share knowledge, and get help from other users and developers. Matomo's community forum is larger, with more topics covered. Plausible's community forum is smaller but still active, with a strong focus on user feedback and feature requests.

Direct Support

Matomo offers email support for general issues, as well as priority support for paid customers. Plausible also provides email support, with a focus on knowledgeable and helpful responses. Additionally, Plausible offers a free trial, allowing you to test their analytics tool with support before committing to a paid plan.

Additional Resources

Both Matomo and Plausible provide additional resources, such as blogs and newsletters, to help you stay up-to-date with the latest analytics trends and best practices.

Tool Documentation Community Forum Direct Support Additional Resources
Matomo Comprehensive Large, active forum Email support, priority support for paid customers Blog, newsletter
Plausible Concise, focused on essentials Smaller, active forum Email support, free trial Blog, newsletter

In conclusion, both Matomo and Plausible offer robust support and resource options, catering to different user needs and preferences. By leveraging these resources, you can ensure a smooth analytics setup and maximize your online potential.

User Reviews and Testimonials

Both Matomo and Plausible have received positive feedback from users and experts. Here's what they have to say:


User Testimonial
Michael Fatica, CEO at MetaLocator "We have full control of our Matomo data, which is critical for our business. We can make user-benefited decisions based on a complete data set."
Philip Aggrey, Commercial Operations at Majestic "We've been using Matomo for years, and it's been a game-changer for our business. The level of detail and customization is unparalleled."


User Testimonial
David Ramos of Ghost "We recommend Plausible because it's privacy-focused, provides more reliable data, and is extremely lightweight, so it doesn't harm site performance."
Randy Gingeleski, Senior Staff Security Engineer at HBO Max "I switched to Plausible from Google Analytics, and it's been a breath of fresh air. The simplicity and ease of use are unmatched."

These testimonials demonstrate the positive experiences users have had with both Matomo and Plausible. While both tools have their strengths and weaknesses, they are both viable options for those looking for self-hosted analytics solutions.

In the next section, we'll discuss how to choose the right analytics tool for your needs.

Choosing the Right Analytics Tool

When deciding between Matomo and Plausible, consider your specific needs and priorities. Both tools offer unique strengths and weaknesses, making one more suitable for your project than the other.

Matomo or Plausible: Which One is Right for You?

Tool Strengths Weaknesses
Matomo Highly customizable, advanced features, deeper insights Steeper learning curve, more complex setup
Plausible Simple, easy to use, lightweight analytics script Limited customization options, fewer advanced features

If you need a high degree of customization and advanced features, Matomo might be the better choice. On the other hand, if you prioritize simplicity and ease of use, Plausible is an excellent option.

Factors to Consider

When making your decision, consider the following factors:

  • Data privacy: Do you need to ensure complete control over your data?
  • Customization options: Do you require a high degree of customization for your analytics tool?
  • Performance requirements: Do you need a lightweight analytics script to minimize impact on your website's performance?
  • User interface: Do you prefer a simple, easy-to-use interface or a more comprehensive analytics dashboard?

By carefully evaluating your needs and weighing the pros and cons of each tool, you can make an informed decision that best suits your project's goals and objectives.


What is the difference between Matomo and Plausible analytics?

Matomo and Plausible are two self-hosted analytics tools that differ in their approach to data ownership and customization options.

Tool Data Ownership Customization Options
Matomo Self-hosted, full control Extensive, with plugins and API integrations
Plausible Cloud-hosted, limited control Simple, with fewer customization options

Matomo allows you to host your data on your own servers, giving you full control over it. It also offers a wide range of customization options, including plugins and API integrations. Plausible, on the other hand, hosts your data on their servers, limiting your control. However, it focuses on simplicity and ease of use, with fewer customization options.

In summary, Matomo is ideal for those who need full control over their data and require extensive customization options. Plausible is suitable for those who prioritize simplicity and ease of use.

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